Thursday, December 10, 2009

Difficult Decisions in Love

A time I had to make a difficult decision was when my ex-boyfriend’s best friend wanted to go out with me. I liked him but I was scared because that was his best friend and I didn’t want Fredo to get mad.

Guess what? Yeah and my dumb self still went out with him. His name was Ace. The only reason I went out with him even though I know it was wrong was because he always treated me right. He did some things that Fredo never did and that is showing me respect.
Also he would try to chill with me everyday and I liked that. I thought it was sweet.

So one way we were walking to ‘’the cut ‘’ which is a little place in the woods behind a liquor store by a neighborhood where people just hang out at and vibe. Anyways, we got there and suddenly Fredo had to be there. He was sitting down on the couch with his other girl and his friend Lancey .As soon as I walked in Fredo’s eyes came straight to me then he looked down and texted me ‘’don’t fxxking talk to me.’’ I replied “Why?’’

He didn’t write back but he looked like he wanted to hit the shxt out of me. Later on that day he was rolling ,and he had lost the leaf. I helped him look for it. Well hey, he was right next to me. I had to help him even though he was mad. So I lifted up his shirt to see if he misplaced it there and his girl was quick to say something.

Her name was Yaya. She said “You don’t have to touch his shirt.”

I was like, “Oh wow. Who are you to tell me that?” Ace was mad so he left and Yaya joined him out the cut .The only people left was Lancey, Fredo and me .We got bored so we left to Fredo’s house .When we arrived to his crib I had to leave. My cousin was going to pick me up .So last but not least, I said bye and walked off.

Out of nowhere Fredo followed me and said “Babe, wait.’’ I stopped and turned around and said “What happened?’’ and he said ‘’Can I have a kiss?’’in the sweetest voice ever.

And with out me answering his question he gave me a kiss anyways .I just stood there and kissed him back .

The next day I broke up with Ace and Fredo broke up with THAT GIRL and we worked things out .Now we go out and chill everyday. Fredo was better then ever. Ace was little bit mad when he saw us but everything was straight and back to normal .

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