Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Women's Equality

Today we celebrate women’s equality day. Do you like being a women? What are the worst parts?

The best part of being women is that we can do things that boys can’t do. And the worse part is worrying about your weight and how you look.
Women can do some things that men can’t do. For example, women have the ability to have babies and to do splits and boys can’t do that stuff because their body won’t let them. So that’s definitely a plus for women.

One of the worst parts of being a women is the obsession we have with wanting to look skinny. Now a days every girl you see maybe or maybe not has something that they can change about their body and if they see a little imperfection they have to fix it and that’s kind of bad. I think that is unhealthy because they all might do something that hurts their body like crash dieting. You are basically starving yourself. I don’t agree with that at all. I also wouldn’t like someone who gets plastic surgery because that is very dangerous and can lead into a lot of other bad things.

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