Monday, September 21, 2009

A School that Believed in Me

Oh my god! ------ is so different from regular school. When I first saw ------, I was like, "Ewww, do I really have to sleep here!"

The first meal I had was mystery meat. I thought, “Oh no! I have to get out of here! I’m going to die here! Look what they are giving us. Are they trying to kill us?”

I lied so much, so I can leave out of their because I didn’t like any girls there. I didn’t eat because the food was so nasty.

Well, I’m going to tell you why I had to go to --------. It was because of ------ Middle School. Oh my god! Lord had to help me when I was at that middle school. Every teacher made me feel like I couldn’t do anything with my life and that I was crap in the garbage. Well, I was lucky I left there. I didn’t want to leave my friends, but I had to because I got expelled.

At first, I didn’t like my new school, but then I got used to everything. I started to love the teachers and staff. I started to get my act together because I wanted to show everyone that I can do it. At my school, they have a thing called levels which is a behavior chart. Students who succeed the most move all the way up the chart. I knew this school was not gonna give up on me, so I went up each level, made it to level three, and I got honor role. I was so proud of myself and so were my parents and the staff and teachers. I will never forget how everyone at that school all believed in me and they never gave up on me like other people did in my life. Now to this day I’m proud of myself because I know I can do anything I want to do if I put my effort and my mind to.

1 comment:

  1. I think I know what school you are talking about. It begins with an h..right? I went there too. The food does suck.
