Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I Believe Anyone Can Survive a Strong Childhood

I believe that anyone can survive a strong childhood. I believe that my mom struggled a lot because when she was young, my mom worked in a circus. She didn’t go to school. My mom’s family didn’t have so much.

When my mom was younger she had to learn how to do things that were hard for her. She had to learn how to do splits. It took a long time but my mom did it. It was hard for her because it hurt her. When you do a split you have to go all the way down, and if I was to do that I would cry.

My mom never went to school. The only time she could have school is when somebody would teach them or when there was no performance and they didn’t learn much. When my mom came here to the U.S as an adult she went to school at night and now she got her G.E.D. I’m happy that she did that even though it took a long time. She was proud that she did it.

My mom's family didn’t really have so much because they didn’t have enough money. They always had food in the trailer where they slept and in that trailer they had a kitchen. But what they did to make some more money was let my grandma make sandwiches. They bought sodas and sold them to people who wanted some sandwiches and that money they made was to save it just in case they need it my Grandma still sell sandwhiches and sodas and that money they make goes for my Grandpa's medicine because he is diabetic. I'm happy that my mom made it through her experiences and I’m lucky that it didn’t happen to me. No matter what people say about my family. I will always love them.

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